Looking for some creative, nerdy, clever, cool, great, and hilariously funny WiFi names?
Wireless Fidelity, which is popularly known as WiFi, is a technological reality that has been operational for twenty-three years now. Since it became accessible, WiFi has become a necessity in almost every home.
WiFi name tells about who you are; it is but a reflection of your state of mind. Therefore, it follows that if you leave the default name of your WiFi network, you do not know much about computers. Or…you probably don’t care.
While using default Wi-Fi names like HP Print Laser, Net Gear, AT&T WiFi, Version Wireless, or even Qy7F3 may not mean anything, names like these are pretty boring.
That is why we’ve put together a list of some of the most hilariously funny WiFi Names out there. Even if you want to get the attention of someone sharing your network or want to sound like a geek, you will find what you need here.
Hilariously Funny WiFi Names
- I Believe Wi Can Fi
- Come Fi with Me
- Let’s Fi Away
- I’m cheating on my Wi-Fi
- A LaNnister always surfs the net
- The Net starring Sandra Bullock
- LANDownUnder
- How EyeRonic!
- Blue M&Ms
- Go Home You Tourist
- Your grammar is more annoying
- Pls Connect for Identity Theft
- Why always me?
- Mom Use This One
- Try a public Wifi
- It’s been so long
- Party Saturday Night APT #434!!!
- Feel Like Flying
- Bring Me Beer
- The Next Door
- Your music is annoying
- Click this
- Feel Like Flying
- Get OFF My LAN
- I am the internet
- Idiots, Please use me
- Hide yo Kids Hide yo Wifi
- Fast and Furious
- Be my guest
- 4U
- No, ‘we don’t have WiFi
- District 9
- NoFree
- Can you hear me?
- Only For Zombies
- How are you
- Enter the Dragon
- New England
- Hulk ?????
- This is not free either
- My Wifi is Sweet
- Yummy Porquefi
- Be awesome with my Wifi
- Have a nice day
- Feel free to use my Net
- Can I be your friend?
- Happy birthday
- Merry Christmas
- Wifi is Rare
- Y no you get Wifi?
- Be cautious
- Bill Wi the Science Fi?
- Wi-fight the inevitable
- Please Come Back
- Open Wi-Fi
- I Got 99 Problems and my wifi’s 1
- Accio Internet
- Get a life
- Billy is our king
- All Hail Queen Vicky
- Wrong dude
- I’m a kind neighbor
- Unfriendly neighborhood
- My neighbors are jerks
- Do not Pass by here
- Moody day
- Yuckky!
- Awkward!
- Too lame
- Every moose for himself
- Loner
- Lame same
- TAR solo
- Lan Solo
- Eyes on me
- Dumb nigga
- Smart Ass
- A Heart NoN
- Cold feets
- Stone cold
- Maritime CoNNET
- SpaceASStronaut
- The starship enterprise.
- Super Book
- Prohibited area
- Danger! Danger!
- Combustible
- Warning!
- Brimstone!
- I know that’s cheesy
- Hot pizza NET
- Cold Pancakes, Darn it
- I’m Dollar Bills
- Money first
- You pay net
- No cheap change allowed
- Angela’s suite
- Tiny Milton’s
- Dunder Mifflin
- Have you Inquired of the previous hacker?
- Enquire about us
- Help I’m kidnAPT2C
- Super thanks for asking
- Area 52
- Perimeter 25
- Loosed network
- Child toucher
- Silence of the Man
- LAN on fire
- To use bring booze
- Bitter experience awaits
- CID surveillance van no 08
- That’s love
- Find nearby WiFi
- What’s the password
- Jocks zone
- For Bums like you
- Mom use this one
- Your baby is really ugly
- Go Delhi for free WiFi
- Life is on Net
- Tech Zone
- Only for zombies
- Merry Christmas
- Beautiful day ain’t it
- Where is your aunt who is a count
- Hack me
- Surrender!
- Who’s in charge here
- I love my family
- Family unit
- Any possibility
- You pay now
- Changed the billing to your address
- Your utility bills are due
- Virus EXE
- New world
- Security password is
- Pretty ladies NET
- You’re all noons
- Break a leg
- Money move
- Home WiFi
- Keep an eye on them
- The ping in the north
- Do you know what a router is
- I dare you to connect
- Fixed WiFi
- No trespassing allowed
- Who’s it
- Edit wifi settings
- Reveal your password
- Mighty WiFi
- I hate cheats
- The pings
- Bring beer and women
- Call me maybe
- Feels like the 70’s
- Your music is annoying
- King ping
- Suddenly connect
- Office WiFi
- Touch me not
- I see you
- Free for beggers
- Burgers bronze
- The password is 1234
- Mom click here for the internet
- I love the NET
- Jail break in progress
- Let’s do a wifi exchange
- Your WiFi is sleeping over
- Personal WIFI
- Only free if you are part begger
- Net Fever
- WiFi rush
- Log in here
- Rebellious Irish man
- Penny get your own WiFi
- Few users
- Jump in
- I bet your mails are public info now
- Connect so I’ll read your emails
- Bridget get your own internet
- Shut up your dogs
- Hippie stop using our internet
- Full sub
- I really don’t care about you
- How have you been
- This Hilton has bed bugs
- You are allowed
- Remember the days of old
- The Man before time
- Luke sky router
- Abracadabra
- Brachiabindo
- Cross country net
- Star bucks WiFi
- Dummy!
- Bun!
- Cows! Turn in here
- WiFi guardian Angie
- Lando Chiarissa
- Fiasco Fabulous
- Winter wonderLAN
- Alice in WonderLAN
- This Is Thor’s WiFi
- Winter wasps coming to get ya
- Winternet is coming
- Rich Richmond
- Stop being so annoying
- Fly backward little birdie
- I got my eyes on you granny
- Granny power
- LAN of truth
- Cool connect
- Area 51 test site
- Irrelephant use of WiFi
- Sky Net Global Defense Network
- Wireless way
- Welcome to Virus villa
- Clinch here for viruses
- Steve jobs
- Mountain top
- Your session just expired
- No free WiFi for peter
- Not your network
- Trafficking my router?
- Get your own WiFi Darn it
- No network found
- Experienced scavenger net
- Network error
- I can hear your porn
- You’re a weird dude
- Does God know you stole the internet
- We can see you not having sex
- Reach for the handle
- Free hat
- Pick a pick a!
- I could marry my wifi
- I love you my WiFi
- Weak network found
- Viruses detected
- Error Error!
- It’s a good day for a virus
- You just caught a virus
- You lost my trust
- Free for one day
- No free WiFi
- Network lost
- I pronounce you man and WiFi
- I’m married to my Wifi
- I love your wife neighbor
- Tell my WiFi I love her
- Never giving you up
- Connect here
- No WiFi for you
- Pay for the WiFi
- Runaway from my wifi
- It’s not available to you
- WiFi unavailable
- Paul Biggs
- Routers of Rohan
- Series of tubes
- Your grammar is more annoying
- Pistol to your head bum
- Better back off
- Bill Clinternet
- The amazing spider Lan
- Router far far away
- This WiFi is Funded
- Guardian geek
- Obi Lan Kenobi
- Titanic sinking
- ConnectNlisten
- Stay online here
- Need an ark?
- FBI van
- Apology to you
- Covert not thy neighbors WiFi
- Don’t hack, please
- Uphold dignity
- Sucker!
- Loose dog!
- Suck on my secure network
- Stay off my router
- Order Pizza
- Wifi blocked
- Open WiFi
- God is my rock
- Your wifi is not working
- Pay the internet
- Kids get off my Lan
- Invisible LAN
- Spider-Lan Homecoming
- Free movie tickets
- 99 problems wifi ain’t one
- I drop-in
- Beat ya
- Made ya look
- Race ya
- You squirm
- Charged with battery
- Automobile hotspot
- Dark pornet
- Neighborhood spider Lan
- Peter pippers
- All your bandwidth belongs to us
- Network error
- Mr. Mancho
- Let them use it
- No more mister wifi
- Disconnect and live
- Connect and die
- That one that ends in fiveGee
- A van down by the river
- Please connect for there identity
- Last night I saw you naked
- Who’s your daddy?
- Sorry I overacted
- I’m Hillary-ous
- Could you move on, please
- #0%1 Virus
- Let the WiFi key win
- Avada kedavra
- Man storm
- Broken breeches
- Intruder identified
- Show a passport
- I love this Network
- You’ll stay with me
- Supreme Lancellor
- Tony Stark’s WiFi
- Kim Kardashian Butt
- FBI watch
- My dog is by your ass
- Pizza hurt
- Police surveillance
- Moon man
- Obama microwave surveillWiFi
- I’m Hercules
- Mr incredible
- Stop banging so loud
- Drop it like it’s HotSpot
- This internet more
- Kool day
- Password clue, ‘read again’
- Talk less, work more
- Do you believe
- Funny fragrance
- Feel the smell
- Nothing to see here
- Global shit
- Fitted pants
- Ouch sat on my nuts
- Guess my WiFi password
- Password is passworded
- Pretty fly for a wifi
- Click to load adds
- Wifi probably causes cancer
- Bob’s unsecured WiFi
- Back benchers
- Beach walkers
- Yell hottie
- Leave it, please
- Mark Zuckerberg’ iPhone X
- Walk away
- Hunted!
- Stuff!
- Free drugs
- Try! Try! Try!
- Virus-infected WiFi
- Your wifi in another castle
- Princesses NET
- Beach ball
- Scavengers stay off
- I pity you
- Yell for pass word
- My own darmn internet
- Come get hacked
- WiFi for free
- Lord of the rings
- Begin again
- Fix your truck
- Fix our fridge
- Sleep tight
- You’re Trumpiphied
- Skynet
- This Isn’t the network
- Ascendio
- Buy another cup you cheapshake
- Thief identified
- Good grieve
- Bullet!
- Random network
- Highschool Premiere
- Church site
- Meat is delicious
- No network
- Umbrella corp
- Airborne
- Fork you
- Surveillance drone 11
- Starring Sandra Riggs
- Endangered WiFi
- LAN beside
- LAN down there
- Access denied
- Yell Doggie to know the password
- Not in use
- Next time lock your router
- Password is unknown
- WiFi I hardly knew her
- Wire lesbians
- Turn off your WiFi
- Free public WiFi
- Don’t look at porn
- Porn Sucks
- What day is it
- Ebola wifi virus
- Jizz factory
- 2 boys one router
- Come over for a talk
- Move along children no free wifi here
- Holy Jesus
- I pity your girlfriend
- Life is beautiful
- Jesus is Life
- Hey, not fair!
- Bad error 322 disconnect
- Quit using my wifi
- Men network
- The creep next door
- Its Ill eagle
- I phone sucks
- Kidz zone
- Umbrella Corporation
- Ripe pain
- Prime Optimus
- Asgard is real
- I’m Hulk
- The green FBI truck
- Sorry your dog stinks
- Avengers Assemble
- Hammerhead wifi
- Use at your own risk
- Hack me
- Community WiFi
- Shit! Stop hacking
- Pick up your dog shit
- Hide yo kids
- Take your creeps off
- Don’t even try it
- Wireless gang bang
- Click here
- Beware of the wifi you are using
- Look manowires
- Fuck off and die
- I have no more wifi
- Enough app update
- Keyboard viruses
- It hurts when IP
- Hey guys, it’s my birthday
- Hey Pikachu
- For lost fans
- You are my crush
- You don’t just connect to WiFi
- In my backyard first
- Ye olde internet
- Unknown device
- Unknown error!
- Jazz firm
- Never give up
- Beauty and the beast
- Comment first
- Return back
- Keep looking
- Unfamiliar family
- I’ll beat you up
- Images beside you
- Good day
- Fast lane
- Fifi park of snakes
- Tree ahead
- Revise, please
- In dire need
- View through here
- Fall on your face
- Please connect
- Network unavailable
- Weekend mood
- No neighbors allowed
- Titanic is sinking
- White house
- Resident evil
- I’m despicable
- Embrace the power of wifi
- Who’s at my WiFi
- March on dunes
- Yummy
- Internet creep
- Your tune sucks
- House on fire
- Home on the range
- Not worthy of my wifi
- Avengers wifi
- IGotYouAnIFunX
- I’m too mean to let you
- CIA secret station
- FBI SafeHouse
- Wireless G spot
- Get your own wifi knuckleheads
- Airplane mode
- Please come back
- I fathered your child
- Netflix streaming
- Tip your bartender
- You want a punch
- Commoners zone
- Bondage club
- I don’t like sharing
- Legal wifi
- Clone factory
- Potato head
- Shampoo is better
- Quit using this wifi
- Go go gadget
- Free drop
- Its really real
- Hard net
- It’s for cunning people
- I do not understand you
- I’m Trump
- Presidential WiFi
- I’m Biden
- Clown! Clown!
- Group cheese
- I track people
- Lose your sleep
- Searching
- Are you stupid enough to annoy me
- Do you even browse
- Be cautious
- Watch your ass
- It’s been so long
- Dial-up internet
- Pepsi generation
- Download virus
- The promised phone
- Always Away
- Martin router king
- Total hear
- Great hall wifi
- No wires still alive and sinking
- In the days of WIFI
Scary Names for WiFi
These names most likely cause any intending hacker to pause and think twice.
- You better not provoke me!
- I am calling the cops
- Run and don’t look back
- If you try again, I will find you
- Nothing funny at all
- Will bring the bill to you
- Changed the billing address to yours
- I can read your emails
- My Wi-Fi is here
- I’ll be there shortly
- If I saw you again
- Stay where you are
- Get out of my land
- Look through the window
- I am not joking
- My router is “Mine”
- Wifi can hurt you
- Wait, I’ll call my friends
WiFi SSID that Seem Like a Warning
- Do you have enough money?
- Passing message to FBI…
- Nice try! See you in the prison
- Scared of cops?
- Billy is here
- Never eat ghosts
- Keeping an eye on you
- Be careful!
- FBI here
- Will be visiting you
- Look behind
- Are you scared?
- I’ll be watching you
- Something on your Neck
- Be seeing you
- Hacking Started…
- Watch your back
Some Smart & Deceptive WiFi Names
- Password = 23.1/23-.1+2×23.1
- Bad Error 313: Disconnect
- Apologies for the Inconvenience
- C:Virus.exe
- Searching for Signal…
- Click here for password
- Fly You Fools
- Searching…
- Virus WiFi
- Find nearby Wifi
- Network error
- FBI Surveillance Van #594
- The name of the tallest man
- Network Not Found
- The Wifi Inventor
- No available networks
- 404 Network Unavailable
- You are hacked
- Please wait…
- My security password is…
Nerdy WiFi Names
- Solve 1/1-0x39 for password
- username and password change
- How is your computer?
- Binary not Hexadecimal
- I am social, but I am more
- Opening Settings…
- Can I call you Bill?
- My Mouse My Sword
- Filtering Wifi Users…
- 01010101010
- Coding terror
- Can I give you a Router?
- Location Identified!!!
- May I teach you?
- I track people
- Hack if you can
- 11101000 = password
- Buy a modem
- Do you want a router?
- Bill Gates here
- I am a Geek, and I will find you
There you have it, our list of hilariously funny WiFi names out there. Hope you had a good laugh? What name did you use as your device’s SSID? Please let us know in the comments section.
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